When you access any online travel website to utilize the services and products, you must read the following terms and conditions carefully. You don’t strive to make any booking unless you are 18 years of older. Hence, while accessing Fareskey booking website, understand and agree with the specific terms and conditions to give your consent positively. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have read and understood the several terms associated with your contract before placing any order for the booking. We generally accept a booking from you on behalf of a Supplier, and also get a separate contract with the Supplier governed by other terms and conditions.
Accuracy, completeness, timelessness of information:
We don’t commit to any guarantee to get accurate information for any essential advice and help related to products, services, or other vital activities on our travel website. You will observe some necessary things that can be changed and must check them accordingly.
Understand the general terms and conditions:
We reserve the right to refuse the services to anyone without any previous notice and information. The personal information you share with us might be used through our website. Your details will be used only for essential purposes when products sell, travel information, customer service, and other vital circumstances come on this Fareskey website regularly. The booking information changes, and prices can be made at any time. Show your consent for any booking details and price changes on our website.
Deposit and payment:
When you start the process of booking, you will be required to pay a deposit or make a full payment for the booking. If you cannot make full payment and complete the booking with the outstanding amount, you will be notified to make complete payment before your flight. But if you cannot do so at the due date, the supplier can cancel your booked flight, and the cancellation fee will be forfeited in their terms and conditions. Go through the booking condition when you initiate the booking from the fareskey website. Get some essential details for the booking payment that we arrange on behalf of the supplier.
Our Agreement with you:
You must approach our terms of agreement with you for the services and products that you purchase from our website are supplied by the consultant. Gather some crucial general terms and conditions to describe your ability to expect the services for the booking legally. Our website is associated with a variety of travel-related products and services that you purchase from different suppliers and service providers. Each supplier has its terms and conditions applicable to your particular arrangements in general terms that you need to read carefully.